For further information about ordering books on this list,
see Orders

Adams (Thomas R.): The non-cartographical maritime works published by Mount and Page: a preliminary handlist. Pp. x, 54. 1985. £3.75 (Occasional Paper 1) [Oak Knoll]

Alston (R. C.): Handlist of library catalogues and lists of books and manuscripts in the British Library Department of Manuscripts. Pp. iv, 87. 1991. £5.00 (Occasional paper 6) [Oak Knoll]

Benson (Charles): The Dublin Book Trade 1801–1850. 157 pp., with illustrations in black & white and colour. 2021. £18.00. Non-members should order from Lilliput Press, Dublin.

Blayney (Peter W. M.): The bookshops in Paul’s Cross Churchyard. 1990. Pp. 103. £5.00 (Occasional Paper 5) [Oak Knoll]

Cook (Christopher D.): Incunabula in the Westminster Abbey and Westminster School Libraries. Bookbinding descriptions by Mirjam M. Foot. 2013. 185pp; 23 colour illustrations. £30.00 (non-members £45.00)

Dahl (Folke): A bibliography of English corantos and periodical newsbooks, 1620-1642. 1952. Illus., pp. 283. £8.00

Davies (Martin) and John Goldfinch: Vergil: a census of printed editions 1469-1500. Pp. 124. 1992. £5.00 (Occasional paper 7) [Oak Knoll]

Davison (Peter) ed.: The book encompassed. Pp. xvi, 315. 1992. A volume of essays marking the Society’s centenary. Published by Cambridge University Press at £45.00, available to members at £36.25

Eliot (Simon): Some patterns and trends in British publishing 1800-1919. Pp. 176. 1994. £10.00 (Occasional paper 8) [Oak Knoll]

Ferguson (W. Craig): The Loan Book of the Stationers’ Company with a list of transactions, 1592-1692. 1989. Pp. 42. £ 5.00 (Occasional Paper 4)

Foot (Mirjam M.): Eloquent Witnesses: Bookbindings and Their History. The Bibliographical Society, The British Library, Oak Knoll Press, 2004.
329 pp., with 8 colour and 101 b/w illustrations. ISBN:094817014X. £25.
Non-members should order from the British Library Shop. £35.

Foxon (D. F.): Thomas J. Wise and the pre-Restoration drama. 1959. Illus., pp. 50. £1.75

Gameson (Richard): The Earliest Books of Canterbury Cathedral. The Bibliographical Society and The British Library, in association with the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, 2008.
416 pp.(including index and bibliography); 63 colour illustrations Hardback (buckram); colour jacket
Price: Non-members: £60; members £30. Non-Members in Canada should order from University of Toronto Press. Non-Members in USA should order from University of Chicago Press.

Goulden (R. J.): The ornament stock of Henry Woodfall. 1988. Illus., pp. xi, 86. £5.00 (Occasional Paper 3) [Oak Knoll]

Hunter (David): Opera and Song Books published in England 1703-1726: A descriptive bibliography. 1997. Illus., pp. xlix, 521. £35.00.
Non-members should order through OUP.

Index to selected bibliographical journals, 1933-1970. 1982. Pp. 323. £16.00

Krummel (D. W.): English music printing, 1553-1700. 1975. Illus., pp. 200. £8.00 [Oak Knoll]

McKenzie (D. F.): `What’s past is prologue’: the Bibliographical Society and the history of the book. (Centenary lecture, 1992) Pp. 31. 1993. £5.00 [Oak Knoll]

Maslen (K. I. D.) and J. Lancaster: The Bowyer ledgers. 1991. Pp. 605. £50.00 [Oak Knoll].

Now available as an archive in RTF format with additions and corrections by the authors: see Bowyer Ledgers.

Masson (Sir Irvine): The Mainz Psalters and Canon Missae 1457-1459. 1954. Illus., pp. 80. £10.00

Morris (Brian): John Cleveland 1613-58: a bibliography of his poems. 1967. Pp. 72. £5.00 [Oak Knoll]

Nelson (C.) and M. Seccombe: Periodical publications, 1641-1700: a survey with illustrations. 1986. Pp. 109. (Occasional Paper 2) No longer available.

Perkin (Michael). A Directory of the Parochial Libraries of the Church of England and the Church in Wales. 2004. Illus. 490 p. ISBN: 0948170 13 1. £30.00.
Non-members must order from Oxford University Press or through any bookshop; Non-members price £60.00
Additions and corrections.

Plomer (H. R.) and others: Dictionaries of the printers and booksellers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland, 1557-1775. 4 vols. in 1. (Reprint in compact form of the original volumes published 1907-32). 1992. £25.00 [Oak Knoll]

Pollard (A. W.) and G. R. Redgrave, editors: A short-title catalogue of books printed in England, Scotland and Ireland, and of English books printed abroad 1475-1640. Second edition, revised and enlarged, begun by W. A. Jackson and F. S. Ferguson, completed by K. F. Pantzer. [Oak Knoll] Vol. I (A-H). 1986. Pp. 620. £85.00
Vol. II (I-Z). 1976. Pp. 504. £45.00
Vol. III (Indexes, addenda, corrigenda). 1991. Pp. 430. £70.00
Some interleaved copies are available: Vol. I, £100.00, Vol. III, £85.00.

Pollard (M.), A Dictionary of members of the Dublin Book Trade, 1550–1800. Pp. xlviii, 675. 2000. £85.00.
Non-members must order from Oxford University Press or through any bookshop.

Printing in England in the Fifteenth century, a reprint of E. Gordon Duff, Fifteenth Century English Books: A Bibliography of Books and Documents printed in England and of Books for the English Market printed Abroad, with supplementary material compiled by Dr Lotte Hellinga.. The Bibliographical Society, The British Library, 2009. £40 [£25 for members of the Bibliographical Society]

Sayce (R. A.) and D. Maskell: A descriptive bibliography of Montaigne’s Essais, 1580-1700. 1983. Illus., pp. 221. £11.00 [Oak Knoll]

Scott (Kathleen L.): Dated & datable English manuscript borders. 2002. Illus., pp. 132. £12.00.
Non-members should order from British Library Publications, Turpin Distribution Services, Blackhorse Road, Letchworth SG6 1HN (£18.00).

Selwyn (David G.): Edmund Geste and his books. Reconstructing the library of a Cambridge don and Elizabethan bishop. 2017. xxix + 493 pp; 110 colour illustrations. Price £50.00 (members’ price £33.00) + p&p.

Shaw (David J.): Cathedral libraries catalogue: books printed before 1701 in the libraries of the Anglican cathedrals of England and Wales. Volume 1: English books. Pp. 464. 1984. (out of print). Volume 2: Continental books. Pp. 1700. 1998. £72.00.
Non-members should order from British Library Publications, Turpin Distribution Services, Blackhorse Road, Letchworth SG6 1HN (price £120.00).

Shaw (Graham): Printing in Calcutta to 1800. 1981. Illus., pp. 220. £12.00 [Oak Knoll].

Shell (Alison) and Emblow (Alison), editors, Index to the Court Books of the Stationers’ Company, 1679-1717. Illus., pp.433. 2007.

Now available online as a PDF file on the Society’s electronic resources site at Zenodo: see Court Books.

Smith (William C.): A bibliography of the musical works published by John Walsh during the years 1695-1720. 1948, reprinted 1968. Pp. 249. £8.00

Smith (William C.) and Charles Humphries: A bibliography of the musical works published by the firm of John Walsh during the years 1721-1766. 1968. Pp. 371. £8.00 [Oak Knoll]

Stoker (D. A.): The correspondence of Francis Blomefield (1705-52). Pp. 276. 1992. £10.00 Published jointly with the Norfolk Record Society [Oak Knoll]

Tattersfield (Nigel), The Complete Illustrative Work of Thomas Bewick. Hardback, 3 vols, 384/864/256 pages, 276 x 189mm, 1200 b/s illustrations (London: British Library, The Bibliographical Society, Oak Knoll Press, 2011).

Vervliet (Hendrik D.L.), French Renaissance Printing Types: a Conspectus. The Bibliographical Society / The Printing Historical Society / Oak Knoll Press; 2010. See also: Additions and corrections

Watson (Andrew G.): The manuscripts of Henry Savile of Banke. 1969. Illus., pp. 113. £5.50

Wiener (Joel C.): A descriptive finding list of unstamped British periodicals 1830-1836. 1970. Pp. 87. £4.00 [Oak Knoll]

Williams (Franklin B.): Index of dedications and commendatory verses in English books before 1641. 1962. Pp. 283. No longer available.

Wilson (Edward M.) and D. W. Cruikshank: Samuel Pepys’s Spanish plays. 1980. Illus., pp. 200. £12.00 [Oak Knoll]

The Society also has stocks of the following, available to members at special prices:

Barker (Nicolas): Stanley Morison. 1972. Illus., pp. 566. £8.00

Most of the Society’s earlier publications can be obtained in facsimile copies from Out of Print Books on Demand, University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-9976, U.S.A. Anyone interested should contact UMI for up-to-date information on prices for xerographic copies in paper covers, bound xerographic copies, or copies on microfilm.

Many of the early publications (up to about 1920) can be viewed online through links via