The Bibliographical Society is now able to offer recordings of its lectures (with permission of the lecturer). Visit our YouTube channel to see our latest collection of videos.
The following lectures for the 2024/2025 season are now available:
- December 2024: Maureen Bell & Tom Lockwood: “Ordered That the Clerke henceforward shall keepe a Wast Booke”
- November 2024: Panel for Grant Recipients: Anna Lanfranchi, Anouska Lester, Silvia Pugliese
The 2023/2024 season:
- May 2024: Geoffrey Day: The preservation and recycling of ‘waste’ printed sheets in the eighteenth-century book trade.
- April 2024: Mirjam Foot: Taste and Discrimination: The Cerruti Collection of Decorated Bindings
link - March 2024: Richard Linenthal Presidential Address: Printed fragments: Scholarship, collecting and the trade
link - January 2024: Ben Outhwaite & Nick Posegay: Virtual Visit to the Cairo Genizah
link - January 2024: Rémi Jimenes: Claude Garamont, royal type-founder?
link - November 2023: Panel for Grant Recipients 2023
The 2022/2023 season:
- April 2023: Adrian Seville: Board games uncataloged
link - March 2023: Paul Hoftijzer: Books from Britain in the Leiden Bibliotheca Thysiana
link - February 2023: Meghan Constantinou: The library of the Elliots of Minto, 1738-1938: A panoramic view
link - December 2022: David Levy: A century and a quarter of Hoyle
link - November 2022: Panel for Grant Recipients 2022
The 2021/2022 season:
- October 2021: AGM | Nil Palabiyik: The Mad, the Bad and the Silenced: Three Tales about Ottoman Learning and Renaissance Book Culture
link - January 2022: Edwin Rose: Books, botany and empire in eighteenth-century Cambridge 1760 –1825
link - February 2022: Justin Hanisch: Louis Renard’s extraordinary fishes, crayfishes, and crabs: an exploration of one of the 18th century’s most unusual colour plate books
link - March 2022: Presidential address
James Raven: Monsters, Myths and Methods: Towards a Global Biography of Erik Pontoppidan’s Det første Forsøg paa Norges naturlige Historie (1752-3) The Natural History of Norway (1755)
link - March 2022: Virtual Visit to the Keio University Library, Japan
link - April 2022: Graham Pollard Memorial Lecture
Cristina Dondi and Neil Harris: The Zornale of Francesco de Madiis (1484–88).
link - May 2022: Homee and Phiroze Randeria Lecture
Arthur Marks: The curious career of Nathaniel Price, a journeyman binder working in England and America.
The following lectures for the 2020/2021 season are now available:
- October 2020: Presidential Address
Margaret Lane Ford, Bookselling and Bibliography. link - November 2020: Adrian Edwards: Insights into the King’s Library of George III. link
- December 2020: David Shaw: Paper for Octavos: Innovation in Early Sixteenth-Century Book Production. link
- January 2021: Alison Walker: The Sloane Printed Books Project. link
- February 2021: David Pearson, Clodagh Murphy, David Shaw and Sarah Cusk, Book Owners Online. link
- February 2021: Stephen Clarke, Horace Walpole and W.S. Lewis: A Collector Revealed. link
- February 2021: Winter Visit: The National Library of Mexico, National Library of Anthropology and History, and Francisco de Burgoa Library. link
- 16 March 2021: Rachel Jacobs, Waddesdon Manor: A Rothschild Collection. link
- May 2021: Homee and Phiroze Randeria Lecture
Mirjam Foot, New Movements in French twentieth-century binding design: the importance of patronage. link - July 2021: Virtual Summer Visit: The State Library of Victoria. link
- July 2021: Virtual Summer Visit: Monash University Library Special Collections. link