Major Grants awarded 2010/11 The Council of the Society agreed on 15 February 2011 to make the following awards:
One Katharine F. Pantzer Jr Research Fellowship:
£4000 to Dr Adam Smyth (‘Making the Word: Little Gidding and the Uses of Print’).
One Katharine F. Pantzer Jr Research Scholarship:
£815 to Dr Hugh Adlington (‘The Library of John Donne (1572-1631)’).
Major Grants
- £1862 to Mr Johannes M. Depnering (‘Sermon Manuscripts in the Late Middle Ages – The Latin and German Codices of Berthold von Regensberg’). (Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association Award)
- £2000 to Dr Michael Johnston (‘Scribal Production and Readership of Middle English Romance’). (Fredson Bowers Award, funded by this Society and the Bibliographical Society of America)
- £2000 to Mr Matteo A. Pangallo (‘Manuscript Plays of Playwriting Playgoers and the Material Evidence of Nonprofessional Playwriting in Early Modern London’). (Barry Bloomfield Award)
- £800 to Dr Joshua A. Westgard (‘Transmission, Reception, and Influence of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History in Medieval Europe, ca. 731-1565’). (Falconer Madan Award)
- £1500 to Mrs. Cynthia Johnston (‘The Development of the Commercial Book-Trade in Thirteenth-Century Oxford’).
- £1094.20 to Professor Sandro Jung (‘A Book-Historical Study of the Illustrated ‘Repositories’, ca. 1780-1850’).
- £874.16 to Mr Jesús de Prado Plumed (‘Hebrew and Latin Manuscripts Produced or Used by Alfonso de Zamora (fl. 1512-1545): Manuscripts and Printed Books in the Early Age of Christian Hebraism’).