Major Grants:
£2000 to James Ascher for ‘Seventeenth-Century Printer’s Copy and Records at the Royal Society’ (Pantzer Scholarship)
£495 to Jacob Baxter for ‘A Diplomat in the Book World: Sir William Temple and the Print Trade’ (Falconer Madan Award)
$1500 to Meghan Constantinou for ‘The Library Catalogues of the Elliots of Minto: A Scottish Aristocratic Library in Context, 1738-1938’ (the Fredson Bowers Award)
£1152.92 to Nicola Estrafallaces for ‘Textual Transmission of the Latin source of The Orcherd of Syon’
£1815 to Eduardo Fernández Guerrero for ‘Manuscript circulation in the age of print: the case of the Apocalypsis Nova (1502-1802)’
£2000 to Anna Girling for ‘Edith Wharton’s Cold War Publishing History’
£1800 to Dr. Hedwig Gwosdek for ‘John Holt, Lac puerorum or Mylke for Chyldren’ (the Pantzer Fellowship)
£1523 to Dr. Yelda Nasifoglu for ‘The circulation of mathematical books in early modern Britain’
£1448 to Dr. Jean-Paul Pittion for ‘The Saumur Protestant Book-trade (1601-1683)’ (the Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association Award)
£2000 to Dr. Vaibhav Singh for ‘Typographic technologies and the periodical press in British India’ (the Barry Bloomfield Award)
£2000 to Dr. Tielke Uvin for ‘The impact of cheap print on the formation of the Anglo-American literary canon, c. 1700 to c. 1860’