Major Grants for 2008-09
- £2,000, matching an award of $3,000 by the Bibliographical Society of America, to Dr John Craig: The Politics of Reading in the English Parish, 1536-1642. (The Katharine F. Pantzer Jr Research Fellowship.)
- £1,420 to Dr Andrew Cambers: The library of John Rastrick (1650-1725)
- £938 to Dr Cristina Dondi: Books of Hours printed in fifteenth-century Italy (Katharine F. Pantzer Jr Research Scholarship) £2,000 to Prof. Elisabeth Fraser: French illustrated travel books, 1780-1850 (Fredson Bowers award)
- £1,993 to Dr Michael Johnston: Gentry compilations of Middle English romance
- £1,250 to Dr William Kelly: Low Countries imprints (pre-1801) in northern English libraries (Barry Bloomfield award)
- £500 to Dr Tom Lockwood: Manuscript verse and the impeachment of Francis Bacon (Falconer Madan award)
- £360 to Mr Daniel Smith: Book collecting habits of Edward, second Viscount Conway
- £2,000 to Ms Patricia Stewart: The development of the medieval Latin prose bestiary
- £2,000 to Dr David Stoker: John Marshall & Co. publishers, of Aldermary Court, London (ABA award) Minor grants
- Sandro Jung (The Scribal Publication of J. G. Cooper’s ‘The Lover’s Resolution’) £200
- Neville Davies (‘The honourable entertainment at Elvetham’, 1591) £200
- Gargi Gangopadhyay (Literature for children: England and Bengal, 1750-1850) £20