David Selwyn, Edmund Geste and his books
PDN 104
PDN 104.1-6 [from same pb as PDN 92.1-6 and PDN 99] |
Johannes Antonius de Sancto Georgio, Commentaria super Decreto, Pavia : Leonardus Gerla, 12 Mar. 1497 (i4 recto and verso; GW M39954) | †GW 1497 | Pb $$ | H49 | ZC1.4.3 | 8° | 1572 |
PDN104-1 |
PDN104-2 |
PDN104-3 |
PDN104-4 |
PDN104-5 |
PDN104-6 |
PDN 104.1, 3-6 | MS+ ** | H49 | ZC1.4.3 | 8° | 1572 |
PDN104-1 |
PDN104-3 |
PDN104-4 |
PDN104-5 |
PDN104-6 |
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