David Selwyn, Edmund Geste and his books
PDN 136
PDN 136.2-5 [perhaps same MS as PDN 210 and PDN212] |
Canon law (?commentary on the Decretals of Boniface VIII) | † Eng. s. xiv1 | MS | E33 | I.3.8 | 4° | 1532 |
PDN136-2 |
PDN136-3 |
PDN136-4 |
PDN136-5 |
PDN 136.1 | Glossary of canon law terms | s. xv/xvi | Pb $$ | E33 | I.3.8 | 4° | 1532 |
PDN136-1 |
PDN 136.4-5 | MS $ | E33 | I.3.8 | 4° | 1532 |
PDN136-4 |
PDN136-5 |
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