David Selwyn, Edmund Geste and his books
PDN 140
PDN 140.1-2 | Gregory IX, Decretales | † Ital. s. xiii/xiv | MS | V39 | N.6.5 | 8° | 1544 |
PDN140-1 |
PDN140-2 |
PDN 140.3 | Thomas Aquinas, In libros Sententiarum | † ?Eng. s. xiii2 | MS | V39 | N.6.5 | 8° | 1544 |
PDN140-3 |
PDN 140.1 | Commentary on the Psalms (Psalm 33) | s. xv/xvi | †DS Pb $$ | V39 | N.6.5 | 8° | 1544 |
PDN140-1 |
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