David Selwyn, Edmund Geste and his books
PDN 258
PDN 258.1-2, 7-8 | Canon law (?commentary on the Decreta of Gregory IX) | † Eng. s. xiv1 | MS | B50 | ZC2.7.2 | 8° | 1545 |
PDN258-1 |
PDN258-2 |
PDN258-7 |
PDN258-8 |
PDN 258.3-6 | St John [with verse numbers, i.e. post-1551], ?Paris, c. 1560? | ††† post-1551 | Pb $$ | B50 | ZC2.7.2 | 8° | 1545 |
PDN258-3 |
PDN258-4 |
PDN258-5 |
PDN258-6 |