Programme for the session 2011 – 2012
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at 5.30pm at Christie’s, 8 King Street , St. James’s, London SW1Y 6QT. Members may bring guests, but they may not vote in any motion that may be put to the AGM. At the close of the business of the meeting, members will be invited to join Jane Oldfield, Deputy Librarian, for a tour of the nearby the London Library and to view highlights of Christie’s archive.
In order to facilitate entry and to gauge numbers for catering, members intending to come are requested to notify the Hon. Secretary by email ( not later than 13 October.
15 November 2011 (Pearson Lecture Theatre; Tea in the North Cloisters)
KRISTIAN JENSEN: ‘Reading Augustine in the fifteenth century’. The paper will analyse a corpus of tract volumes using book historical methods to redefine our understanding of late fifteenth-century Augustinianism.
20 December 2011 ((Pearson Lecture Theatre; Tea in the North Cloisters)
RICHARD BARBER: ‘ Ownership of manuscripts of Arthurian romances in the middle ages’. This paper outlines the patterns of medieval European ownership of Arthurian romance, drawing particularly on administrative records and inventories as well as ownership inscriptions and textual evidence.
17 January 2012 (Pearson Lecture Theatre; Tea in the North Cloisters)
JULIA BOFFEY and MATTHEW PAYNE: ‘Robert Fabyan: London draper and European bibliophile’. This paper will discuss the biography and connections of the chronicler Robert Fabyan, with particular attention to the books he acquired and produced, and to their later history.
21 February 2012 (Pearson Lecture Theatre; Tea in the North Cloisters)
The Presidential Address
DAVID PEARSON: ‘ The English private library in the seventeenth century’. – A review of work in progress to create improved resources to support the study and understanding of English book ownership in this period, taking into account our current state of knowledge .
20 March 2012 (Pearson Lecture Theatre; Tea in Pearson G23)
PAUL WOUDHUYSEN: “Rebel, mijn hart:” Dutch Clandestine and Illegal Printing during the German Occupation, 1940-1945.
17 April 2012 (Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre; Tea in the South Cloisters)
Graham Pollard Memorial Lecture
FALK EISERMANN: “The Gutenberg Galaxy’s Dark Matter: Lost incunabula, and ways to retrieve them” An overview of (historical) incunable losses, ways to reconstruct the contents and contexts of lost editions, and reflections on modern-day incunable losses.
15 May 2012 (Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre; Tea in the South Cloisters)
Homee and Phiroze Randeria Lecture
ANTHONY HOBSON: ‘Some Italian Renaissance Bindings’ This paper discuses groups of bindings from Florence and other towns not previously described in print.
The Summer Visit
The Summer Visit for 2012 will be announced in The Library for March 2012
Meetings will be held in lecture theatres at University College, Gower Street, London WC, beginning at 6.00 p.m. Exact lecture theatres are given in the calendar below.
Tea will be served at 5.15 p.m. in one of several rooms in the main building (Wilkins) of University College; please see the lecture dates for location. Members are welcome to bring guests, both to meetings and to the tea beforehand.
The AGM will take place at Christie’s, 8 King Street, St. James’s, London SW1Y 6QT on Tuesday, 18 October at 5.30; it will be followed by a tour of the London Library in St. James’s Square. The AGM will not be preceded by tea, but refreshments will be served after the meeting.