News 2012

Change of Venue

The Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BE, will be the new venue for the Bibliographical Society’s monthly lectures, beginning in November 2012. Lectures will begin at 5.30, with tea served from 5.00.

2012 Annual General Meeting and Call for Nominations

The Society’s Annual General Meeting for 2012 will be held on Tuesday, 16 October at 5.30 at the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BE. Members may bring guests, but they may not vote in any motion that may be put to the AGM. In order to facilitate entry and to gauge numbers for catering, members intending to come are requested to notify the Hon. Secretary by email ( not later than 14 October.

Nominations for Council positions

At the Annual General Meeting on 16 October 2012 one Vice-President and two Members of Council will be elected to the Council of the Society. Please submit nominations, accompanied by a brief statement of support, to the Hon. Secretary ( in advance of the AGM, preferably by 1 September.

British Armorial Bindings Database

The Bibliographical Society in conjunction with the University of Toronto is pleased to announce the publication of an important new online reference work for book history. The British Armorial Bindings Database, begun by John Morris and continued by Philip Oldfield, is now available on the web at .

This catalogue which attempts to record all known British armorial bookbinding stamps used by personal owners to mark and decorate their books, reproduces over 3,300 stamps used between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, associated with nearly two thousand individual owners.

Intended primarily as a tool to facilitate the identification of heraldic stamps, the database may be searched from many angles. Stamps may be searched by heraldic devices, such as arms, crest, mottoes etc. Owners can be found under their family name, their titular name, rank in the peerage, and by gender. The 12,000 odd books which provide the sources for the stamps, from libraries around the world, may be sorted by author and title, and individual libraries can be searched for their holdings of armorial bindings. The database will be useful to rare book librarians, book historians, book dealers, students of heraldry, genealogists, and anyone with an interest in questions of provenance and the identification of coats of arms.

The database has been created and hosted at the University of Toronto and is made available as a free public resource through the sponsorship of the Bibliographical Society.


  • The Bibliographical Society:
  • University of Toronto Libraries:
  • British Armorial Bindings Database:

Margaret Ford
Hon. Secretary
The Bibliographical Society

July 2012

Textual Bibliography for Modern Foreign Languages

Monday 18 June 2012
The British Library
Download seminar programme (word, 33KB)

Building Collections: 300 years of the Old Library

Monday 25 June
Trinity College Dublin

Major Grants awarded 2011/12

The Council of the Society agreed on 21 February 2012 to make the following awards:

One Katharine F. Pantzer Jr Research Scholarship
£2000 jointly to Dr. Takako Kato and Dr Satoko Tokunaga (‘Caxton and Beyond: Copy-Specific Features in English Incunabula’).

Major Grants
£1960 to Dr Godfried Croenen (‘Workshops, Exemplars and the Production of Illustrated Copies of Froissart’s Chronicles in Early 15th-Century Paris’).
£1452.50 to Dr Maura Ives: ‘Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market: A Publishing History’. (Fredson Bowers Award, funded by this Society and the Bibliographical Society of America)
£1500 to Dr Steven J. Livesey (‘Medieval Commentaries on the Sentences and the Monastic Library of Saint-Bertin’).
£1900 to Professor Shannon Miller (‘Creating Sammelbandë / Rewriting History: Case Studies in English Tract Collections’). (Antiquarian Booksellers' Association Award)
£500 to Dr Richard John Palmer (‘Archbishops Sheldon and Sancroft and the Collections of Lambeth Palace Library’). (Falconer Madan Award)
£1875 to Miss Charlotte Anne Panofré (‘The Role of Economic Factors in the Printing of English Protestant Pamphlets in Strasbourg, 1553-1558’).
£2000 to Dr Jason Powell (‘Complete Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt the Elder’). (Barry Bloomfield Award)
£1135 to Miss Ingrid Kristen Rembold (‘The Christianization of Saxony in the Ninth Century’).

Seminar on Textual Bibliography for Modern Foreign Languages

Monday, 18 June 2012 in the Conference Centre, the British Library

We are seeking four or five papers of approx. 30 minutes each, one at 11.15 a.m. and the others after lunch, with ample time for discussion after each paper. Papers dealing with any aspect of printing and book production in Continental Eastern and Western Europe are warmly invited, as are papers dealing with other aspects of historical bibliography, editing, and the history of the book and reading. Papers giving an account of work in progress or offers to introduce discussion of bibliographical interest are a long-standing feature of the seminar.

Please let us know by the end of April if you are willing to give a paper.

We should be grateful if you would send us the names and addresses of potential new participants in the seminar, especially postgraduate students.

Barry Taylor (barry.taylor@bl.ukopens window for sending email; tel 020 7412 7576)
Susan Reed (susan.reed@bl.ukopens window for sending email; tel 020 7412 7572)

European Studies
The British Library
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB

Fax 020 7412 7641

Street Literature Cheap Print, Popular Culture and the Book Trade

A conference organized jointly by ‘Print Networks’ and the Centre for Urban History, University of Leicester
University of Leicester, 10-12 July 2012