Every year The Bibliographical Society makes a number of major grants to those engaged in bibliographical research (for example, book history, textual transmission, publishing, printing, bookbinding, book-ownership and book-collecting). In 2023 a range of subjects were supported, including a study of women printers and the London book trade 1640-1670, carbon-dating of two ‘early modern’ woodblocks and British humour comics and the artist Dudley D. Watkins. A list of grants awarded, going back to 1995, can be found at http://www.bibsoc.org.uk/fellowships/grants-awarded.
Up to £2000 can be awarded, though one named award – the Katharine Pantzer Fellowship (specifically for research into bibliographical or book-historical studies of the printed book in the hand-press period, up to c.1830) – is for a sum up to £4000. More information can be found at http://www.bibsoc.org.uk/fellowships/major-grants, and information on applying can be found at http://www.bibsoc.org.uk/fellowships/application-procedure. Applications are now invited and must be received no later than Friday 19 January 2024.
Any questions about grants can be directed to Secretary to the Fellowships & Bursaries Committee, Julianne Simpson (julianne.simpson@manchester.ac.uk).
Membership of the Society is open to all. Your support enables us to promote the study of bibliography and book history in the widest sense through research grants, campaigning, lectures, and publishing The Library. For more details, please visit: https://bibsoc.org.uk/membership/