Monday, 2 June 2014 in the Conference Centre, the British Library
We are seeking four or five papers of approx. 30 minutes each, one at 11.15 a.m. and the others after lunch, with ample time for discussion after each paper. Papers dealing with any aspect of printing and book production in Continental Eastern and Western Europe are warmly invited, as are papers dealing with other aspects of historical bibliography, editing, and the history of the book and reading. Papers giving an account of work in progress or offers to introduce discussion of bibliographical interest are a long-standing feature of the seminar.
Please let us know by the end of April if you are willing to give a paper.
We should be grateful if you would send us the names and addresses of potential new participants in the seminar, especially postgraduate students.
Barry Taylor (; tel 020 7412 7576)
Susan Reed (; tel 020 7412 7572)
European Studies, The British Library, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB