Lecture: Claire Bolton: Exploring a Remarkable Collection of Bindings in the Memmingen Stadtarchiv
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Piccadilly, LondonThe Memmingen Stadtarchiv contains over 170 (perhaps 200) fifteenth-century bindings from three (perhaps four) Memmingen workshops. This talk discusses the similarities and differences between the finishing and forwarding methods between them, and over time. Book your place here >>
Virtual Winter Visit to the library at St Catherine’s Monastery, Mt Sinai
The Bibliographical Society travels virtually to visit the library at St Catherine’s Monastery, Mt Sinai, on Thursday, 27 February, at 17.00 GMT. The virtual visit will take place on Zoom and will compromise a pre-recorded introduction to the library and its collections, followed by live discussion and Q&A. Our host [...]
Lecture: Kelly Minot Mccay: The Making of Shorthand Manuals in Early Modern England, 1588–1700
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Piccadilly, LondonThis paper explores the people and production behind the swell of shorthand manuals in seventeenth-century England, demonstrating what a detailed bibliography of the printed genre has revealed about an overlooked yet widely used manuscript technology. Book your place here >>
Graham Pollard Memorial Lecture 2025
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Piccadilly, LondonDavid Shaw: The Stationers and the Poor Law. The Settlement Act of 1697 required that poor people wishing to move to somewhere new must obtain an indemnity certificate from their ‘settled’ parish to assure the overseers of the poor in their new location that their old parish would support them in [...]
Homee and Phiroze Randeria Lecture 2025
Society of Antiquaries Burlington House, Piccadilly, LondonNicholas Pickwoad: Entitled: The Choice, Purpose and Placing of Titles on Early-Modern Bookbindings. The introduction of standardised titles on the bindings of early modern printed books is a relatively recent phenomenon. Until well into the eighteenth century they appear mostly to have been added on the instructions of the owner, whether [...]